Toll information
The motorway toll is the amount the customer has to pay for using the motorway.
Toll revenues are used to recover investments already made or to be made, to support network modernisation, innovation, operation and costs, and to recover the price paid in the event of sale or privatisation procedures.
The toll is calculated considering a trip without crossing intermediate barriers.
The motorway toll is determined by multiplying the kilometres attributed to each journey by the Concessionaire’s unit tariff, plus any surcharges and taxes provided for by current regulations. The final amount of the toll is rounded to the nearest ten euro cents (Interministerial Decree no. 10440/28/133 of 12.01.2001 of the Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport and the Italian Ministry for Economy and Finance). Rounding is applied automatically, without any discretionary power on the Concessionaire’s part.
The unit tariff is commensurate with the characteristics of the infrastructure (level or mountainous) and the type of vehicle used, according to the classification system currently in use, known as “axle-shape”.
Every year, the tariff is adjusted according to the revision formula in force, by means of a Decree by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, as set forth in the Single Convention between the Concessionary Company and the Granting Body.
For toll payment, you can choose between dynamic electronic toll systems or use a Viacard current account or prepaid toll cards, approved credit cards or FastPay debit cards.
Exempt by Law
Pursuant to Article 373 of Italian Presidential Decree no. 495(2) of 16.12.1992, as amended, the following categories are exempt from paying the toll:
a) State Police vehicles with “Police” plates and A.N.A.S. vehicles with distinguishing marks;
b) Carabinieri vehicles with “CC” number plates bearing an Italian Ministry of Defence registration certificate with the Carabinieri registration;
c) Vehicles with C.R.I. number plates, as well as vehicles of voluntary associations and similar non-profit organisations, used for rescue in the performance of their specific service and provided with the appropriate sticker approved by decree of the Italian Minister for Transport and Navigation and Public Works;
d) Vehicles with V.F. (Fire Brigade) plates, as well as those belonging to the permanent fire brigade of the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano;
e) Vehicles with G.d.F. (Financial Police) plates;
f) Vehicles with C.F.S. (State Forestry Corps) plates;
g) Vehicles with POLIZIA PENITENZIARIA (Penitentiary Police) licence plates;
h) Armed Forces vehicles used for rescue purposes (ambulances, tow trucks, etc.) in the course of duty or following motorcades;
i) Armed Forces vehicles during emergency interventions and public disasters, as well as civil vehicles, with Italian or foreign licence plates, which, within the framework of bodies or organisations formally recognised by their respective States, following natural disasters or warlike events, transport basic necessities to aid the affected populations, provided that they have specific certification from the competent authorities;
j) The vehicles of officials of the Italian Minister for the Interior, A.N.A.S., the General Directorate of the M.C.T.C., the General Inspectorate for Traffic and Road Safety, and the Italian Ministry for Public Works, authorised to carry out traffic police duties”
Vehicles with CP (Harbour Master’s Office) licence plates and mechanical rescue vehicles authorised to intervene by our Operations Centre are also exempt from paying the toll.
During payment operations, some inconveniences may occur that disrupt the normal collection procedure.
If the problem occurs at a gate operated by the collector, he will be able to indicate the best solution.
If, on the other hand, the problem should occur at an automatic or Telepass gate, it is recommended not to get out of the vehicle and not to back out of the track, but to press the ‘request for intervention’ button, communicating with the personnel in charge via the intercom and providing the information on the receipt issued by the appropriate outlet.
Specifically, the indication ‘Entry: Not Detected’ indicates that the entry ticket has not been presented: in this case, the toll is calculated by law (Art. 176/16 C.d.S.) from the farthest toll station.
The Customer is, however, entitled to present proof of the actual toll booth of entry. Autovia Padana S.p.A. may accept the Customer’s self-certification (pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000) of the entry toll booth and carry out subsequent checks on the truthfulness of the declaration.
Terms of payment
The amount, without any surcharge, must be paid within 15 days from the date of transit:
- on-line, by SATISPAY or credit card, by connecting to: (accepted circuits: Visa, Mastercard, Diners, American Express);
- at the tollbooths of the participating companies (Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali S.p.A., SALT p.A., SATAP S.p.A. – Section A4 Turin-Milan, Società Autostrade Valdostane S.p.A., Autostrada dei Fiori S.p.A., Autostrada Torino-Ivrea-Valle d’Aosta S.p.A, Concessioni del Tirreno S.p.A. – section A12 Sestri Levante-Livorno, A11/A12 Viareggio-Lucca, A15 diramazione per la Spezia and section A10 Savona-Ventimiglia, Società Italiana Traforo Autostradale Frejus S.p.A., Asti-Cuneo S.p.A., Società di progetto Autovia Padana S.p.A., Società di progetto BreBeMi S.p.A., Tangenziale Esterna S.p.A.);
- in cash at the motorway stations of Autovia Padana S.p.A. or of the contracted companies (see above);
- by bank transfer to the account payable to: Autovia Padana S.p.A. at Poste Italiane: IBAN IT44F0760111400001041023977 – BIC SWIFT BPPIITRRXXX – CIN F (POSTE ITALIANE Via G. Verdi, 1 26100 Cremona) made out to Società di Progetto Autovia Padana S.p.A. – Sede operativa Località San Felice – Cremona (transcribing in the reason for payment the vehicle registration number and the number of the failed payment indicated);
- by postal current account 001041023977 made out to Società di Progetto Autovia Padana S.p.A. – Sede operativa Località San Felice – Cremona (transcribing in the reason for payment the vehicle registration number and the non-payment number indicated).
If payment is made after the 15th day, the amount of the toll shall be increased by the assessment charges of € 2.58 for collection expenses (Art. 176/11 bis C.d.S.).
Failure to pay the amount due will result in the enforced recovery of the credit, with the related additional expenses.
Please note again that on motorways, and therefore also at toll stations, it is absolutely forbidden to get out of the vehicle (Art. 175/16 C.d.S.).
In the event of non-payment of the aforementioned amounts, the relative documents may be forwarded to the relevant Traffic Police Section Minutes Office, for the consequent notification of administrative sanctions pursuant to Art. 176/11° and 21° paragraph of the Highway Code, for the ascertained violation of the obligation to pay the motorway toll (which provides for the payment of a sum from € 87.00 to € 345.00 and the deduction of 2 points from the driving licence of the actual offender).
For further information
Tel.: +39 0372 473 572 – 214
An agreement has been signed by the following Motorway Concessionaires to facilitate the payment of Toll Non-Payment Reports (RMPP), which can be carried out either at a lane manned by a toll collector, or at one of the Service Centres of the following Motorway Concessionaires:
• A4 Torino-Milano (SATAP A4)
• A5 Quincinetto-Aosta (SAV)
• A6 Torino-Savona (Autostrada dei Fiori)
• A7 Serravalle-Milano (Milano Serravalle Milano Tangenziali)
• A10 Savona-Ventimiglia-Confine di Stato (Concessioni del Tirreno)
• A11 Viareggio-Lucca (Concessioni del Tirreno)
• A12 Sestri Levante-Livorno (Concessioni del Tirreno)
• A21 Torino-Piacenza (SATAP A21)
• A21 Piacenza – Brescia (Autovia Padana)
• A32 Torino-Bardonecchia (SITAF)
• A33 Asti-Cuneo (Asti-Cuneo)
• A35 Brescia-Milano (BreBeMi)
• A50 Autostrada Tangenziale Ovest di Milano (Serravalle)
• A51 Autostrada Tangenziale Est di Milano (Serravalle)
• A52 Autostrada Tangenziale Nord di Milano (Serravalle)
• A58 Tangenziale Est Esterna di Milano (Tangenziale Esterna)
– Payment at Manual Toll Stations
Only non-payment reports (RMPP) with a date no more than 15 days after issue and with a defined entry station may be settled at the manual track. The Collector may not accept partial payments.
Please note that on the manual lanes managed by Autovia Padana and manned by staff, it will only be possible to regularise RMPPs issued on the A21 Piacenza – Cremona – Brescia section. The same may also be regularised at the stations adhering to the above-mentioned reciprocity agreement.
Vehicles are divided into five tariff classes: A – B – 3 – 4 – 5
The Concessionaire’s kilometre unit tariffs are periodically updated on the basis of a revision formula that takes into account 70% of the real inflation rate of the last 12 months, as well as the return on investments related to new works carried out.
Class A
Determining vehicle characteristics
1. Motorcycles.
2. 2-axle vehicles, with the first axle height less than/equal to 1.30 m.
Figurative example
Descriptive example
Motorcycles: 150 cc and above. Motorcycles with a fitted sidecar: 250 cc and above.
Motor cars, three-wheelers, three-wheeled vans, vans, light commercial vehicles.
Class B
Determining vehicle characteristics
2-axle vehicles with the first axle height > 1.30 m.
Figurative example
Descriptive example
Buses, motor caravans, light commercial vehicles.
Class 3
Determining vehicle characteristics
1. 3-axle vehicles and tows.
Figurative example
Descriptive example
Motor cars with single-axle trailer or caravan.
Buses, trucks, 3-axle articulated lorries.
Class 4
Determining vehicle characteristics
1. 4-axle vehicles and tows.
Figurative example
Descriptive example
Motor cars with two-axle trailer or caravan.
Trucks, semi-trailer trucks, 4-axle articulated lorries.
Class 5
Determining vehicle characteristics
1. 5-axle (or more) vehicles and tows.
Figurative example
Descriptive example
Semi-trailer trucks and articulated lorries with 5 or more axles.